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 @X Color Codes

  In addition to supporting ANSI display files, you can choose to use
  PCBoard's @X color codes to colorize your display file and PCBTEXT
  prompts.  If you choose to use ANSI to colorize your display files, you
  will need to create an graphics specific version of each display file in
  addition to the regular file.

  The @X codes are eventually translated to ANSI so the caller can view the
  color screens.  Before this occurs, however, PCBoard will check to see if
  the caller is capable of ANSI.  If they are, PCBoard will translate the
  color codes into ANSI.  If they are not, PCBoard will bypass the color
  codes so the user does not end up seeing what appears to be garbage on
  their screen.  Because PCBoard is smart enough to determine if the caller
  is capable of ANSI or not, you can create one single display file for
  both your ANSI and non-ANSI callers.  This saves you time when creating
  and updating your display files.

  Included with your PCBoard package is a program called PCBEdit.  This
  program should be used to create screens that are colorized with @X codes.
  You should also be aware that there are several other programs available
  as shareware which you can use to create screens in the PCBoard @X color
  code format.

  If you want to enter @X codes in message or if you manually create your
  display files, you will need to know the proper format for the @X codes.
  The format is as follows:

    @X[background value][foreground value]

  After you enter @X, you need to enter a background value, followed by a
  foreground value.  If you look at the table which follows this paragraph,
  you will notice that it is broken down into two halves.  One half shows
  the values for the background colors and the other half shows the values
  for the foreground value.  Notice also that the background and foreground
  sections are also divided.  Background colors can be set to be blinking
  or not, and foreground values can be set to be bright or normal (dull)
  versions of the color that is shown in the left column of the table.

        Background (1st Digit)          Foreground (2nd Digit)
  Color         Normal  Blinking        Normal  Bright
  Black           0        8              0       8
  Blue            1        9              1       9
  Green           2        A              2       A

  Cyan            3        B              3       B
  Red             4        C              4       C
  Magenta         5        D              5       D

  Yellow          6        E              6       E
  White           7        F              7       F

  Using the color code table you can quickly determine that by entering
  @X1F, you will be setting the current color to bright white text on a
  blue background.  To help illustrate the color selection scheme, the
  following are sample @X color codes:

   @X07 - Dull white (gray) text on a black background
   @X47 - Dull white (gray) text on a red background
   @X0B - Bright cyan text on a black background
   @X8F - Bright white text on a blinking black background
   @XC7 - Dull white (gray) text on a blinking red background.

See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson